Can dogs eat sweetcorn? - James Wellbeloved UK

Can dogs eat sweetcorn?

Coming in a range of forms, including tinned, frozen and on the cob, sweetcorn is a frequent feature in many of our diets. And if you’ve got a pooch at home, it’s likely they’ve been eyeing up the golden kernels! But can dogs eat sweetcorn? Luckily for our canine friends, yes, they can enjoy it too! Sweetcorn can be fed to your dog in moderation as a healthy snack and is often found as an ingredient in dog food. This said, it’s important that you only allow them to eat the kernels, as the cob can be dangerous for them. Read on to learn more about how you can feed your dog sweetcorn safely and what to do if your dog does eat a sweetcorn cob. They’re scavengers by nature, after all, and unfortunately we can’t always control what goes in their mouths!

Is it safe for dogs to eat sweetcorn?

Yes! Dogs can eat sweetcorn. As long as your pooch isn’t allergic to it, sweetcorn kernels are perfectly safe for them to eat as part of a balanced diet. Be aware, like other cereals, corn is loaded with sugar and carbohydrates, so it shouldn’t be eaten in large quantities. Read below how much sweetcorn is suitable to feed your dog based on their size. Dogs can eat cooked sweetcorn sprinkled over their meal on special occasions or in small amounts on its own, like some other human food for dogs like carrots or broccoli. When feeding sweetcorn to your dog, remember to never add any salt, butter or seasoning. It’s worth noting that some dogs can have sensitivities to sweetcorn and other cereals, so don’t offer your pooch any if you think they may be allergic. Even if you don’t know of an allergy, it’s always a good idea to introduce a new food into a dog’s diet slowly. Start by giving them a small amount and keeping an eye out for changes in their stools or for sickness. Don’t be alarmed if you do spot a few kernels in their poop though, as they don’t always break down completely in a dog’s stomach.

Is sweetcorn good for dogs?

While sweetcorn won’t do your dog any harm when eaten in small amounts, it doesn’t offer a huge amount of nutritional benefit either. Due to the high sugar and carbohydrate content of sweetcorn, if eaten in large quantities, it could contribute to weight gain. For this reason, we emphasise that it should only be given as a treat.

This said, sweetcorn isn’t void of all goodness. Here are a few ways it meets your dog’s nutritional needs:

  • Fibre - helps promote good gut health
  • Carbohydrates - serve as a key energy source for your dog
  • Antioxidants - prevent inflammation and help support a healthy immune system
  • Protein - is vital for muscle growth and maintaining healthy skin and hair
  • Linoleic acid - is an omega-6 fatty acid that helps your dog maintain healthy skin, coat and immune system
  • Lutein and zeaxanthin minerals - promote good eye health

How much corn can a dog eat?

While the answer to ‘can dogs eat sweetcorn?’ is yes, it’s not something they should be eating too much of or as their main source of food. A few kernels sprinkled on their dinner every now and then is fine. If your dog is overweight, keep sweetcorn to a minimum or not at all.

What types of sweetcorn can dogs eat?

Sweetcorn comes in lots and forms, such as in a tin, on the cob and even popped. So, like when you’re considering if dogs can eat tomatoes, cucumber, or other fruit and veg, it’s important to know what types they can and can’t eat. This may have you wondering, can dogs eat tinned sweetcorn? Can dogs eat baby sweetcorn? Can dogs eat frozen sweetcorn? And perhaps even can dogs eat sweetcorn cob? In short, it’s safe for dogs to eat both tinned and frozen sweetcorn, and the best type you can feed your dog is frozen. They absolutely cannot eat the sweetcorn cob, as this can pose a risk to your dog's health. Below you can find a run-through of the suitability of different types of corn for your dog and whether they can even enjoy popcorn.

Can dogs eat tinned sweetcorn?

Yes, dogs can eat tinned sweetcorn, but it’s not the best choice for them due to the high amount of salt added to it. If you do give your dog tinned sweetcorn, make sure it’s drained properly and you only give them a small amount.

Can dogs eat cooked sweetcorn?

Yes, dogs can eat cooked sweetcorn, provided it’s cooked plain and you only feed them the kernels. Cooking sweetcorn actually increases the antioxidant levels provided by it, which could boost its nutritional value.

Can dogs eat baby sweetcorn?

Yes, dogs can eat baby sweetcorn in moderation. They should never be given to your dog raw though, as they can cause a choking hazard. Make sure you cook it first and chop into small digestible pieces before feeding it to your dog.

Can dogs eat popcorn?

You might be surprised, but as long as it’s unsalted and unbuttered, dogs can enjoy a bit of popcorn from time to time. Just make sure you only let them have the kernels that have completely popped and stick to a few pieces as a tasty treat.

Can dogs eat the sweetcorn cob?

If you’re wondering if dogs can eat the sweetcorn cob, the answer is a hard no. Dogs should never be allowed to eat a sweetcorn cob. No matter how much they drool over the sight of the seemingly innocent snack. Although they may seem like something that would be safe for your dog to gnaw on, corn cobs don’t break down easily. This means they’re not only a choking hazard, but can cause serious intestinal blockages and digestive issues if ingested. At a minimum, a bowel obstruction will cause a significant tummy upset but at its worst, it can even be fatal. This is why it’s incredibly important to know what is and isn’t safe to feed your dog, which you can learn more about in our article on what dog’s can’t eat.

What to do if your dog eats a corn cob?

If your dog eats a corn cob - or you suspect they might have - you should treat the situation as an emergency and contact your vet or out-of-hours facility straight away. If it turns out it’s as suspected, surgery may be required to remove the cob and potentially repair or remove any damaged intestine. If you’re not completely sure whether your dog has eaten a cob or not, there are a few signs to look out for that may indicate they have. These include sickness, diarrhoea, tiredness, difficulty pooping or producing small amounts of poo, poor appetite and abdominal tenderness or pain. If they showcase some or all of these symptoms, be sure to get them to the vet as quickly as possible. If you’re thinking about feeding your dog sweetcorn, just remember that it’s something to be enjoyed in moderation - balance is key! And even more importantly, you must only feed dogs the kernels and not the cob. To find out more about what dogs can and can’t eat, take a look at our article on the topic.

We also have lots of great information around other types of foods your dogs may or may not be able to eat: